Thursday, September 15, 2011

5 Days In Amsterdam

All was quiet. Nearly a hundred people had settled in the break room to catch the ferry from Hull to Holland during the night. It was dark and the only sound is the hum of the engines and the buzzer strange light.

All the seats were torn, so I found myself lying on the floor and a couple of guys trying to get used to. About five minutes had passed, and I was about to stall.

You could hear a pin drop. Then my friend threw a fart. It started as a kind of crescendo comprehensive and advanced grunt. The whole process has been at least five seconds. I struggled for a while, trying not to laugh. I finally had to leave the room, followed closely by my two friends.

After mating, the Netherlands, who were in a car waiting for an hour's drive from Amsterdam. The landscape was full of all things that are the essence of the Netherlands so unique.

Windmills were widely scattered throughout the country. The beautiful white structure, whose weapons turn endlessly in the wind. Platform, a magnificent countryside seemed to stretch endlessly. In fact, more than one third of Holland is below sea level.

The coach dropped us in the heart of Amsterdam, between the deep network of ancient canals divide the city into a million different pieces. We found ourselves standing outside the main train station, we need to discuss the options for accommodation. We decided in advance to await our arrival to find a hotel.

When we were anxious, middle-aged woman approached us. He went to the arrogant and had no confidence.

"Are you looking for a room?" He asked, halting English.

"Yes," cried all at once. We found a solution to our situation was imminent.

"I have a bed and breakfast not far from here, only two subway stops. Do you want room?"

The hotel was quite reasonable. For twenty minutes we walked back to town all the other tourists, walking in circles trying bearings.

Amsterdam is a surreal reality. Legalization of cannabis is likely to touch the eyebrows in the world and seen some of the charm. As a local specialty, the day pretty well mixed with other types of dreams faded. Before we knew back home who are considering a trip very strange.


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