Thursday, September 15, 2011

5 Romantic Travel Resolutions

A new year is always an opportunity to start over. You and yours can begin the new year, making some decisions to travel together, regardless of time and budget. Add new travel habits and make some new ones! If the year of their travel patterns to focus on fun, fantasy and party!

(1) plan a real vacation. No, it would be a world cruise or first class exhaust (but if you can afford, what are you waiting for?) Must be honest goodness vacation, though. No phone, no laptop computers. Mark the date on the calendar and hold it as you would with any business meeting. Business travel is a romantic, four and a fun activity that you can design a single month.

(2) we are going to get another route planning. All four partners are often the work of planning a trip ... and that the task quickly becomes a hole. Plan your journey together! Foresight is a lot of fun. Visit a travel agent. Collect brochures. Buy Guide. Objective rent videos. Search the web for information.

(3) we are going to do something they rarely did. Here you can be as mild - or wild - as you dare. Go whitewater rafting. Rent a houseboat. Take a balloon ride. To spend the night at a local bed and breakfast. Learn to dive. Dancing all night under the stars. The choice is yours.

(4), we have four mini-vacation every month. Whether night or the night outside the plan, four little vacation every month. The only rule: you must pretend you're on vacation. Book one night at a local bed and breakfast. Call your local hotel and know their non-peak nights (in business-oriented cities, usually on Fridays and Saturdays) and then plan a romantic getaway.

(5), we will spend at least four festival. Special events are held in communities around the world. Whatever your interest - to square dance building sand castles - is a festival celebrating with a day of fun and the food. If you do not have the time nor the budget to go far, contact the Chamber of Commerce or tourism office at home one day in their calendar of events. If you can extend your stay in a long weekend. If you have time and resources, a greater amount of fun festivals: Carnival, Mardi Gras, Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Do not forget your costume!


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