The Great Wall Of China

Great Wall of China, a memorable landmark, is a popular tourist destination in China. Wall is fascinated by the minds of many in the world and is one of the seven wonders of the world.


One of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Bali for several years has been rewarded with the best island in the world of International Travel Magazine.

Japan Osaka Castle

Osaka Castle is the most famous symbol of Osaka. Guide to Osaka Castle, including schedules, tickets, photos and history. Osaka Castle (大阪 城 Osaka-jo) is a traditional Japanese-style castle.

Rome Colosseum

The Colosseum is probably the most famous symbol of Rome. Built a century, this great stage could accommodate 45,000 spectators and was the largest Roman amphitheater in the world.

Hawaii Ahihi Cove

Ahihi Cove is one of the best snorkeling locations on Maui. The bay is home to an abundance of marine life that has probably to do with the area is protected within Ahihi-Kinau Natural Area Reserve.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

5 Romantic Travel Resolutions

A new year is always an opportunity to start over. You and yours can begin the new year, making some decisions to travel together, regardless of time and budget. Add new travel habits and make some new ones! If the year of their travel patterns to focus on fun, fantasy and party!

(1) plan a real vacation. No, it would be a world cruise or first class exhaust (but if you can afford, what are you waiting for?) Must be honest goodness vacation, though. No phone, no laptop computers. Mark the date on the calendar and hold it as you would with any business meeting. Business travel is a romantic, four and a fun activity that you can design a single month.

(2) we are going to get another route planning. All four partners are often the work of planning a trip ... and that the task quickly becomes a hole. Plan your journey together! Foresight is a lot of fun. Visit a travel agent. Collect brochures. Buy Guide. Objective rent videos. Search the web for information.

(3) we are going to do something they rarely did. Here you can be as mild - or wild - as you dare. Go whitewater rafting. Rent a houseboat. Take a balloon ride. To spend the night at a local bed and breakfast. Learn to dive. Dancing all night under the stars. The choice is yours.

(4), we have four mini-vacation every month. Whether night or the night outside the plan, four little vacation every month. The only rule: you must pretend you're on vacation. Book one night at a local bed and breakfast. Call your local hotel and know their non-peak nights (in business-oriented cities, usually on Fridays and Saturdays) and then plan a romantic getaway.

(5), we will spend at least four festival. Special events are held in communities around the world. Whatever your interest - to square dance building sand castles - is a festival celebrating with a day of fun and the food. If you do not have the time nor the budget to go far, contact the Chamber of Commerce or tourism office at home one day in their calendar of events. If you can extend your stay in a long weekend. If you have time and resources, a greater amount of fun festivals: Carnival, Mardi Gras, Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Do not forget your costume!

5 Reasons Why Skiing Is Good For You

Finally, a strong prima facie evidence of what we have long suspected: skiing and snowboarding are good for you. And not just because both are very fun and put a smile on his face, but as this will also improve our health, happiness, red blood cells and makes us live longer. The screen has always been there, so we can see a bearded septuagenarian as the fifth selection for the second time, when the battle until the first day. Here's the secret ...


Are you sad? January 50 people in Britain suffer from depression, seasonal affective disorder, depressive type, which often occurs during the winter months when days are shorter. On the way to go to work in darkness are locked in the office all day, and serotonin, the brain is a natural mood lifter drop. SADS can vary from mild winter blues is a more severe form where people can not work during the winter without treatment. So get reading and get on the mountain. You can get discouraged the price of beer on the slopes, but not quite the same thing.


We're all just animals, of course, some creationists may disagree, but we must use our fight or flight response. Probable, or even better, this approach is to find the steepest black run which can be found, or something beyond the normal comfort zone. Adrenaline activates the beta receptors of the nervous system, causing the heart beat faster and the air in the lungs to grow. This stimulates the brain, and the endorphin rush of relief when it's over, you feel like superman after each race. You can then undo the good work and keep the bar for apres ski.


Can the news could be better? Being at altitude can make you thin, fit and desirable - at least the first two are true. A couple of years with the study was moderate altitude Austria. Men who were overweight and had blood pressure and high cholesterol are prescribed walking at an altitude of 1400m and 2000m of. The result? Height exercise improves heart function and circulation, reduces blood pressure and burn calories. There was also a growing number of young red blood cells. So could the theory of slope and near the summit of the Aiguille du Midi (3842m) add years to your life.

Fresh air.

Spending time outdoors to help prevent disease and promote healing. To avoid unwanted particles in urban air. According to the boffins at Harvard in his 1993 study in six cities, who live in polluted cities is 26% greater risk of dying in less than a cleanser. So give yourself a break from traffic and air pollution, and to breathe fresh air, invigorating mountain.


Learning is good for us. Your parents said, and they were right, but they are, and you should take into account these suggestions. Acquire new skills throughout life may delay dementia. Attempted challenges, such as learning a foreign language - you can practice at the bar - or a new skill, such as skiing, reduces the symptoms of aging and diseases such as Alzheimer's.

What are you waiting for? Skiing is not only fun but also scientifically proven to be good for you. Now that is surely an unbeatable combination.

5 Reasons To Use A Travel Agent Online Full-service

Here are five reasons why you should leave your vacation planning a professional travel agency full service online ...

When it comes to planning your vacation, it is tempting to take the road, do-it-yourself. After all, it's pretty easy to make a flight reservation. Why not make your own reservations for car rental, hotel, or even a cruise? Here are five reasons why you should leave your vacation planning to a professional travel agent complete online:

1) Offers great

To make a reservation, but should not be a little 'too far, or best offer. Airlines, hotels, rental cars and cruises for the confidence of the people to make their own bookings and higher prices for those who do. However, there is no real benefit, until they are completely booked.

Think of hotel rooms, airline tickets and cruise ship cabins as perishable goods. As an expired carton of milk to be removed from grocery shelves, for a given night, an empty hotel revenue that will never be recovered. Similarly, a plane ride and a cruise ship will embark on whether the seats and cabins are full. It is in the best interest of the hotels, airlines and cruise ships complete. That's why they offer discounts for online travel agency, which can then pass along the savings to you.

2) The completed package

A full-service online travel agency able to compile packages for resorts and hotels, which would not otherwise have access. Maybe you're a golfer, and you want to dream golf vacations. Perhaps the Caribbean vacation is in sight. Or maybe you're looking for the perfect cruise package. Although it is sometimes possible to book packages with the destination, it can often be the best options to suit your needs. Online travel agencies will be able to compile packages that work best for you and your family.

3) Excellent service

When you go to the way the do-it-yourself, it is often difficult to coordinate all aspects of your trip. To ensure that the flight departs and arrives at the right time, the hotel reservation is so that the rentals are available and get everything in order to board a cruise ship is not a walk in the park. Online travel agent can do all the boredom for you, so you can concentrate on preparing for the trip. And if you have a change of plans, good service is an online travel agency offers a smooth transition.

4) Group travel

Large families often travel together, and the requirements for group travel companies from time to time. In both cases, a full-service online travel agent can book excursions for people who have the same destination, but traveling in different places. Having a group travel coordinator for the peace of mind and ensure that all the group's needs are met.

5) Honeymoon Registry

If you plan your honeymoon, an online travel agency that offers the latest trends in wedding gifts, wedding list. When you subscribe to a travel agency with full online service, customers pay money for your honeymoon, or purchase specific services (for example, a spa treatment or a romantic breakfast in bed) you want on your list.

While you can book tours, why should I? After all, the benefits of using a full range of travel services are unlimited.

5 Opportunities To Use A Limousine Service In New York

There are many cases where a limousine is more logical than other forms of transport. Here are five ...

While many people perceive a limousine service in New York as a luxury for the rich, others take the concept of a limousine in New York can be profitable and practical. In fact, there are many occasions where a limousine is more logical than other means of transportation. Here are five:

1) Airport Shuttle

With increased security measures at airports around the country - and in particular the New York airports - it's just too much trouble to drive himself to the airport. When you're parked, and then drag your luggage and the shuttle to the airport, you can add another hour you are ready to share the flight. If you are looking to JFK airport transportation, or need a ride to LaGuardia and Newark limo service may be just the ticket. You can go in a limousine-style section, or choose the most practical, Town Car. If the whole family is going to the airport, limo in New York can be a passenger van or up to seven 19 passenger limo bus.

2) Marriage

A limousine in New York may be the default for the bride and groom, but a limousine service can also be a boon to the wedding, and even out of town guests. The best companies limousines carefree wedding packages and coordinators to ensure that everyone will come to church (or synagogue or mosque) on time - and then to the reception and return to their hotel.

3) Visits

If you visit the Big Apple and want to take in the sights, a limousine service in New York to show them to you in style. Depending on the number of your party, you can use a limousine, sedan, van or bus to enjoy all that New York has to offer. You can create your own itinerary, and assured that the pilot will act as a professional guide. The best services include refreshments and snacks, and even drivers who can provide tours in other languages ​​than English.

4) sporting events

When you and your friends are in the game, the last thing you need is the hassle of driving and parking of events. Also, if you want to go beat a couple of beers, you definitely do not want to be behind the wheel after the game. New York limo will take you to Yankee Stadium, Madison Square Garden, or the Flushing Meadows and back in style.

5) Business meetings

Whether you are in town for business or accommodation outside the city colleagues or potential clients, a limousine service in New York to ensure that participants will come to your meetings on time. A limousine service good, experienced drivers who are competent, discreet and confidential with the needs of business travelers. If necessary, some limousine services also have armored vehicles in their fleet.

This is only the tip of the iceberg, but you can be sure that a limousine service in New York is not just for the rich. There are many occasions where a limousine can take the hassle out of transportation.

5 Days In Amsterdam

All was quiet. Nearly a hundred people had settled in the break room to catch the ferry from Hull to Holland during the night. It was dark and the only sound is the hum of the engines and the buzzer strange light.

All the seats were torn, so I found myself lying on the floor and a couple of guys trying to get used to. About five minutes had passed, and I was about to stall.

You could hear a pin drop. Then my friend threw a fart. It started as a kind of crescendo comprehensive and advanced grunt. The whole process has been at least five seconds. I struggled for a while, trying not to laugh. I finally had to leave the room, followed closely by my two friends.

After mating, the Netherlands, who were in a car waiting for an hour's drive from Amsterdam. The landscape was full of all things that are the essence of the Netherlands so unique.

Windmills were widely scattered throughout the country. The beautiful white structure, whose weapons turn endlessly in the wind. Platform, a magnificent countryside seemed to stretch endlessly. In fact, more than one third of Holland is below sea level.

The coach dropped us in the heart of Amsterdam, between the deep network of ancient canals divide the city into a million different pieces. We found ourselves standing outside the main train station, we need to discuss the options for accommodation. We decided in advance to await our arrival to find a hotel.

When we were anxious, middle-aged woman approached us. He went to the arrogant and had no confidence.

"Are you looking for a room?" He asked, halting English.

"Yes," cried all at once. We found a solution to our situation was imminent.

"I have a bed and breakfast not far from here, only two subway stops. Do you want room?"

The hotel was quite reasonable. For twenty minutes we walked back to town all the other tourists, walking in circles trying bearings.

Amsterdam is a surreal reality. Legalization of cannabis is likely to touch the eyebrows in the world and seen some of the charm. As a local specialty, the day pretty well mixed with other types of dreams faded. Before we knew back home who are considering a trip very strange.

5 Countries To Visit Before You Die

I wondered what I believe are the five countries to see.

So these are my top five destinations ...
1) - Egypt. King Tut, the pyramids, Valley of the Kings. The list is endless. But this is not the history and culture, people, too. The Egyptians are some of the kindest and most generous in the world. You are welcome for a second home, and although they have almost nothing, they will share with you.

In the afternoon, with the veil of the Nile Egyptian captain of a ship at sunset felucca on the Nile in Luxor is a once in a lifetime experience not to be missed.

2) - China. China is not a place for people to immediately think of a vacation ... but they should, and hopefully, when the Beijing Olympics. Even if you can not afford to 7-10 days, the road to Beijing, Xian, Shanghai and Yangtze River Cruise is an excellent introduction.

And an unforgettable experience visiting tour of Guilin. Landscape of Guilin is amazing and unique. Not necessarily invite the mountain itself, but the peaks are on the rise almost vertically in the fog.

If you have the opportunity to take an elevator to reach a peak and just look in amazement at the sight and see if you are adventurous, take a wagon with a sleigh-style (about 3000 meters long)!

3) - Jordan. Ideally, if you think properly, you can visit Egypt and Jordan to make a trip to remember. Amman is a city full of atmosphere, Petra is wonderful, but it certainly can not help noticing the site is the Dead Sea. Ocean is the salt of the world so that really float!

This makes Jordan a must and beyond what I said, be sure to Wadi Rum, Aqaba, Jerash, and Kings Highway. Jordan is a good week, but 10 days is better.

4) - Hong Kong. Although there is more to Hong Kong just to go shopping, if you like shopping, Hong Kong is the place for you. A walk along Nathan Road and a visit to Temple Street Market has been done. And make sure you have the hat in the negotiation of trade is an important part of the experience as the buyer itself.

There are a lot of Hong Kong as well. It 'great that, despite the fact that it is a modern city, is a tradition in every corner. Do not forget to take a trip to Victoria Peak and enjoy the view, and remember that even if it is fuzzy, the two guys at the top, which takes an image and bring a photograph of what you should see if the time is not so bad! I also suggest a pair of half-day visit to the island of Lantau, and the recession as well. A good way to escape the chaos of madness, which is in Hong Kong.

5) - Thailand. Thailand is suffering a bit of a reputation as a hedonistic destination, and it is true that there is a very wild side to Thaialnd (especially in areas of Bangkok, Phucket, etc) is also a culture of high to dive i.

It's not as adventure, culture and even the not faint of heart, a place about 1 hour north of Thailand where you can go, so go for the stabilizer to live tigers. Cages, chains, only you and a dozen tigers. For me, it was the thrill of a lifetime, and no doubt there is only one of many reasons that Thailand is in my top 5 places you must visit the world

3 Little Known Tips To Save On Travel Beach

Here's an easy way to save a beach holiday. We'll show you three ways to save money when you book your next holiday on the beach. The beach is an incredible experience. You have traveled extensively in Western Australia or to a weekend in Jersey Shore, except for the rain, the beach is usually a very pleasant experience. We made trips around the world, we've lost the potential for huge savings, which are apparently all around us if only we would have time to do further research. Well, you're lucky. This raises the research has been done for you, you just have to be ready to continue reading. Before you know, you go on holiday at the sea of ​​your life to a significantly reduced price. Here's how:

1) Buy Used. Well, not really used: rather small (or unused actually). Sometimes people can put their chances for a holiday of great discount. Did you know there are all sorts of people who own stocks, but time can not be used for different reasons? Perhaps the time is not right, or can not get the flight you need. Ebay has a thriving market for timeshare opportunities. Many of these lists are permanent (for example, that people are looking for others buy their shares if necessary), but sometimes people are looking to make money in a few weeks time-sharing can not use themselves. Their loss can be your chance. Ebay is an auction and the highest price wins.

2) Compare everything. Guess what? Expedia and Orbitz are monsters appear online travel and control of much of the market. But not all the available suppliers. Many discount carriers like Southwest and JetBlue do not use one of these companies and large do not do their deals by going directly to your website. Do not tell anyone, but what we heard JetBlue supposed to have very nice seats and monitors new aircraft with very good price. We have not used JetBlue us yet, but supposedly very good (especially to offer a good value in the northeast to Florida routes). It is only the tip could save a few bucks while getting you a pleasant flight.

3) The first two points are completely valid in the whole planning of the trip, but almost useless if you consider that you may have to pay more for foreign destinations. This is a nice beach is close to both the state east of the Mississippi. Exactly. Florida. Florida is back and its beaches are still fantastic. Florida is still beautiful. It 'been a great development during 50 years in Florida, but Florida State is still a lot of beaches to explore. The state of Florida can be great, if you know where to look. It 'pretty nice. Trust us .... Unknown places in Florida can really be anything. However, they are harder to find that thousands of people move to Florida every month.

2 Secrets To Selecting The Right Hawaii Vacation Rental

You've finally decided you and your family on going to take that long awaited dream vacation in Hawaii. You've decided that you want to go the vacation rental route for numerous reasons: privacy, comfort, location and cost effectiveness. Next, you probably Googled Oahu Vacation Rentals and are faced with the daunting task of choosing among some 175,000 web sites. Where to begin? Here's two secrets that will help you make the right choice so you can enjoy your stay in Hawaii to its fullest.

Secret One: Use a reservation service. There are several reasons for this. First, a single property vacation rental listing by owner will severely limit you to the dates that you can take your vacation. Vacation rental properties in Hawaii run nearly 90% occupancy, so unless you know your travel dates six months to a year out the odds are high that their property won't be available for the travel dates you had in mind. Second, the owner is only concerned with booking their own property so they will extol the virtues of their vacation rental and not mention any of the faults.

Secret Two: Make the right choice of reservation service. Make sure it is locally owned and operated. Websites like vrbo and findrentals (for instance) don't have a clue about geography, weather, attractions, events and the other necessary information required to give you the property that best fills your needs. For instance, let's say you want to whale watch but also want to vacation on Oahu. Your reservation service should be able to tell you that you need to stay on the windward side of the island if you want to see the whales. Another tip-off of services to avoid are those that do automated, credit card bookings.  Steer clear of these services as this implies they aren't interested in talking to you, they just want your money. Be wary of sites that have more than 100 properties….there aren't that many decent selections on Oahu, or any of the other Hawaiian islands, on the market. The more a service exceeds 100 properties, the greater the odds you'll end up in an overpriced, undesirable vacation rental. Here's another great hint. If a reservation service states that they have hotels or condos available in Kailua, or will have them soon, choose another service. Since, by zoning law, Kailua does not allow hotels or condos, you should realize that once again, this is a service that wants your money, not your piece of mind. Always ask the reservation service person you are talking to where they are located. Someone based in Las Vegas or Los Angeles won't have a clue about how to give you the best property for the vacation experience you have in mind.

With the standard vacation rental property terms being no refunds after you've paid your deposit, you absolutely want to make sure you make the right choice. A good reservation service will ask you questions about what you want to do and see on your vacation and will actually try and talk you out of a property you had in mind if they don't think it appropriate to what you had in mind. This is not an attempt to upsell you, it's more a matter of matching your vacation desires and needs with the perfect choice of vacation rental venue. One vacation rental reservation service that meets all these requirements is Pacific Islands Reservations. They are owned and operated by Ingrid Carvalho, who was born and raised in the islands, as were her parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. She has been serving visitors to Hawaii vacation rental needs since 1996. She currently represents ninety vacation rentals on Oahu and another 90 vacation rentals on Maui, Kauai and the Big Island. She has actually been to each and every property she represents--she even took most of the photographs of the vacation rentals you see on her web sites. She doesn't take credit cards but she's happy to spend time talking with you to make sure you get the right property to maximize the value and enjoyment of your vacation.

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